Browse Collections (18 total)

Audio & Video Archives


The collection of audio and video files (tapes and digital media) which include oral histories, documentaries of Kingston and its surrounding, and…

Contributors: KHSNJ.ORG

View the items in Audio & Video Archives

Martha Peck Collection


Photographic Color Slides of Kingston Millstone River Flood caused by Tropical Storm Doria (1971).

Contributors: Martha Peck

View the items in Martha Peck Collection

KHS Photo Night


Contributors: Kingston Community

View the items in KHS Photo Night

Daniel Bayles House, Kingston, NJ

Daniel Bayless House Kingston NJ.pdf

Archive Repository for data request by Robin Reed .

Contributors: Robin Reed, Ceil Leedom, Robert von Zumbusch & George Luck .

View the items in Daniel Bayles House, Kingston, NJ

Gulick Family

Archival artifacts in digital form relating to Gulick Family in Kingston, NJ

View the items in Gulick Family