John Edwards Family Celebrations

Dublin Core


John Edwards Family Celebrations


The Edwards and Sincak families of Kingston photos


Received from the Edwards Family (who?) a collection of photos


Edwards Family




rights reserved. Family Photographs contact KHSNJ for more information.


.jpg photographs

Collection Items

Edwards Sincak photos
a collection of photos borrowed from Edwards family. (to be expanded)

John Edwards photos group 2
Photos obtained from Edwards family.

John Edwards photos group 2 continued
Photos obtained from Edwards family. All were found in an envelope with writing on it, envelope also included.

Picture 1: John Edwards Sr. and Sons Portrait
George Luck collected two pictures. this is picture 1.
Pictures were PRovided By James Kanda who Received Them From John Edwards Sr.

Picture 1 Left to Right
James Ewardes with Sons John Edwards (Sr) and Ross Edwards -- Picture Take[n] June…

Picture 2 - Memorial Service Oct. 21, 1984<br /><br />
Kingston United Methodist Church
Oct. 21st 1984
A memorial Service was held
in Kingston United Methodist
Church, in memory of Mary G
Logan who died in the fall of
1983, 100 years of age.
Also, members of said church
over 80 years of age were
From left to right…
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