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  • Collection: John Edwards Family Celebrations

Blue Fish Oct 27-965 detail sincak.jpg
a collection of photos borrowed from Edwards family. (to be expanded)

John Edwards-group 2-01.jpg
Photos obtained from Edwards family.

John Edwards-group 2-13.jpg
Photos obtained from Edwards family. All were found in an envelope with writing on it, envelope also included.

Kanda scans of Edwards family 1974.jpg
George Luck collected two pictures. this is picture 1.
Pictures were PRovided By James Kanda who Received Them From John Edwards Sr.

Picture 1 Left to Right
James Ewardes with Sons John Edwards (Sr) and Ross Edwards -- Picture Take[n] June…

Kanda Picture 2 1984 memorial service  front.jpg
Oct. 21st 1984
A memorial Service was held
in Kingston United Methodist
Church, in memory of Mary G
Logan who died in the fall of
1983, 100 years of age.
Also, members of said church
over 80 years of age were
From left to right…
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